Wednesday 11 March 2015

I have a list of Pet peeves as long as my arm, well that's a bad example as my arms are quite short. I have a list of Pet peeves taller than the empire state building.... yeah that sounds better.

Anyway, recently i have added a new item to my list. And apologies if you fit the bill, but if you do then chances are i've thought about throwing birdseed at you to see what the pigeons will do. (Honestly those guys are nuts!)
But my new item is... *drum roll* people who sing in the street, and no i don't mean buskers. They have talent - or at least they THINK they do. I mean these new breed of street singers, the ones that bring a karaoke machine and sing in the street. WHAT EVEN IS THAT! I mean sure some of them are good singers, but like i said on twitter either learn to play an instrument, get a gimmick or get your ass back to youtube.

The reason this hacked me off so royally was that numer 1, the woman performing did not need the money. She had a pretty decent sound system and was wearing nike from head to toe *ugh*.
And number 2 there was a homeless guy across the street getting nothing and this hack was being given all the pennies *insert meme here* by bewildered pensioners as she belted some Sarah McLachlan ballad while emotionally fragile people on their phones teared up on their way to the supermarket.

Usually it doesn't bother me, but i really felt for this guy, he looked like he had his whole life in a duffle bag. I don't know the circumstances but my guess. He could have used those pennies more than the yellow nike neon jacket wearing chick that offended my ears with her song choices.
Also i forgot to mention this karaoke machine was really fucking loud! It took me 5 minutes to work out where it was coming from, i thought the noise was speakers from a store!

Okay... *breath*
Rant over.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
au revoir for now.

Monday 26 August 2013

Monday blues... and greens?

why oh why do people (myself included) feel the need to bash and berate Poor Mondays, It's not it's fault it systematically one of the work days of the week. You have a nice relaxing weekend and by 11.30 on Sunday night you realize you have to get up in 6 and a half hours to get ready for work, i wonder if they had this problem before clocks where invented, Time dials? what did they do in winter or on cloudy days? Just guess? Some people are getting ready for bed and some people are eating breakfast and it turns out its online 12 noon.. ancient Greeks are cool. Wow it's crazy how the mind wonders when one ponders life....
Orivoir raviolis...

Tuesday 21 May 2013

I love dogs...

I have literally just spent the last hour looking at dog rescue video's i have officially reached my 'feelings' quote for the month!

Monday 20 May 2013


Ahhhhh its monday, i almost completely forgot to write today's blog... well not quite worth of being called a blog... todays blo.
Mission impossible... thats what i'm watching it's old, like really old! 1996 thats like prehistoric in movie time. It's like watching the original bond movies where he slaps the women for some reason its cinematic gold, or the lynda carter series of wonder woman it's so old that it becomes oddly endearing, plus lynda carter rocks, as does her portrayal of wonder woman/ diana prince. dont even get me started on The story a while back about renaming her iris! ARG!
I have done nothing today but research radio station income, not for a hobby but as part of my course work... yey! ... not crazy boring stuff

Friday 17 May 2013

Friday at last!!

Its Friday at last! Well not that it really matter for a member of the unemployed population, grant you I'm technically a student at this point, but doing an on-line course while remaining jobless leaves one feeling like everyday is a chill day. But all those years of being a young school student have burned the excitement of the weekend into my brain, whether or not i do anything on that particular weekend is another question all together!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Procrastination overlord that's me...

I'm on the first day of a new course, for something that I'm actually interested in. But yet again i find myself at the mercy of the internet and daytime television schedulers.
I procrastinate like my life depends on it, already i have checked every social media outlet i could find on the wide world of web, i have researched the origin of around 5 internet memes, gone through about 50 pages of celebrities on de-motivational posters, the pinnacle of which was Lindsay Lohan as president of the united states, and reviewed 2 articles, one which had 50 pages of celebrities with and without make up, the other which was various fashion faux pas committed by various celebrities in an assortment of red carpet events, the climax of which was a particularly horrifying outfit modelled by Madonna i believe, then again i could be wrong there was an array of increasingly aesthetically displeasing outfits.
And instead of settling down and doing the responsible thing, i am yet again here on the internet looking for any way possible to avoid doing what im supposed to be doing. Perhaps i'm a rebel at heart and having nothing to rebel against have resorted to rebelling against myself!
And now having just remembered it's throwback Thursday will have to hunt down an old photo to use!
There! That seems like a while ago! hahaha
Anyway enjoy your Thursday everyone!